Owner: Joe Hoekstra
It was October of 2019 when my family lost my little brother Martin. It was a devastating time for all of us. Not having the closest relationship with my middle brother Ed, left me feeling a huge void. My wife and I went to Sturgis in 2020 and I was itching to buy a new bike. Within a few days I had already seen the perfect bike- a 2013 Harley-Davidson Road Glide! I bought that bike and called my brother Ed to share the news. He had just gotten to Sturgis himself. Within a couple of days of him being there, Ed called me and said he was buying a new bike also. I met up with him at the Harley dealership to check out his new Harley and noticed we had bought almost the same bike just a couple days apart. It had the same black and gray coloring. Our relationship had started getting closer again a few months prior to this. When we both purchased our new bikes that year in Sturgis I got that overwhelming feeling of that brotherly connection come back. I am proud to say our relationship has developed into us talking again 3-4 times a week and we continue to grow closer.
I first met Nick Beck of Renegade Cycles back in 2016 in Daytona. I had seen his bikes and admired his work, which gave me an appetite to want to do something to my bike. Well after Sturgis I had met up with Nick again in Daytona. I wanted to do something to my bike to make it my own and the creative juices started flowing over Coors Light and a fire. My wife, Kelly, reminded me that it wasn’t a necessity and I had reluctantly agreed with her… until, we were sitting at Annie Oakley’s one night. Kelly had been enjoying her favorite adult beverage that we all know as fireball. She might have had just the right amount and she turned to me and said “Go ahead and do it!” Well, I wasted no time before she had time to change her mind. When I told Nick the news, we celebrated while we collaborated! Renegade Cycles did a hell-of-a job on my vision! Kelly and I love the bike! There’s something to be said about the love of motorcycles bringing the right people together!